Monday, August 27, 2007

Blissful Bills

Yup, you know what I am talking about. Those wonderful pieces of paper that fill your mailbox. Those phone calls at 7 pm just as you sit down for dinner. The only people that will actually miss you if you wind up in the hospital or better yet, die. BILLS! We need the lights on, we need running water, cable, internet (God forbid that get cut off), transportation (in my case, a lovely silver Malibu), the essential... cell phone oh and let's not forget the roof over this lovely raven head. Yeah, bills. It's a funny thing really, cause the other day as I finished making all my online payments, my checking account when from happily full to dreadfully empty... all in about 15 minutes. Yet, as I stared the miserable amount of money in my account, I had to smile. Because I paid my bills and my account was not in the negative. I felt for once so accomplished. I was very proud of myself, even if no one else was. I had spent my hard earned money on something other than myself. Granted those commodities were for me and my beloved but I didn't blow my paycheck, I spent it! And that felt very good. Yay for me!

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