Sunday, January 20, 2008

New Year, Same Challenges

So the new year has arrived and with it came the resolutions that we never keep. But as I try to keep 2008 as the year I really change my life, the harder I find it to stay positive. Sure, finances are in order, work is good and school has just begun therefore nothing is due yet. I know the real test will come in March when deadlines are upon me. Will I still be willing to wake up at 5 am to exercise? In May when school is out and I am planning my girl’s birthday bash, will I still find it in by budget to be diligent with my tithing? In all the bustle of the summer with Sid’s wedding, will I still find the time for me and my vacation? Then before you know it, it’s a new academic year, there will be uniforms to buy, supplies to buy, books to order… will I even remember to take myself out for my birthday? Then come the blasted holidays and all the “joy” they bring… will I remember to pray about the real joy? How am I to keep my perspective in order with all the distractions of life? Out of all the spiritual issues I face, this one is the most challenging of all. I have faith, I love God, I believe in the good in all people and I pray for others. What I struggle with is praying for myself. I seem to think that I have it made and therefore not worthy of more blessing. I hate to ask God for the petty things I want when I see the world needs more of his help than me. I know God knows no bounds, but I find it hard to accept that he would look to me to bless when I feel so blessed already. Is there really more that I could or should have? Am I really entitled to more than this? Why do I not feel good enough for more?

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Farewell to 2007

As 2007 comes to a close, I breathe a sigh of relief and I thank God for all that he has done for me and through me. I have done many things in this one year, some of which were good and some bad, some filled me joy and others with sorrow. But they were all necessary for me to grow as the person God has intended.

  1. I loved again
  2. I had my heart broken
  3. I moved out on my own
  4. I made new friends
  5. I quit smoking
  6. I was healed of migraines
  7. I began attending church more regularly
  8. I forgave those who offended me
  9. I watched my daughter achieve new milestones
  10. I got a dog
  11. I sang more
  12. I gained weight
  13. I cooked more that I ever have in my whole life
  14. I got a promotion at work
  15. I became part of the school board
  16. I extended opportunities to my daughter that I never had.
  17. I got new glasses
  18. I have a clean bill of health
  19. I have a better smile
  20. I resisted temptation

I am sure this list is vague and could be extended, but then what would I be left to write next year? I am happy at this moment. Even if I am lonely, I am in the best emotional state of my life thus far. 2007 has left its mark like many others before. The difference now is that I choose what I leave behind and what I take with me. I will leave behind the heartache, and carry with me the joys which make me smile; after all I do have such a beautiful smile.